Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Pre University College is Located at Ujire, 9 kilometres from Dharmasthala, in Karnataka.
Managed by S.D.M Educational Society, Ujire, the College Offers Pre–University courses in Science, Commerce and Arts streams. The college aims at all round development of a student’s personality, focusing on the intellectual, physical, ethical, cultural and psychological aspects. Though a rural college, it has state–of–art infrastructure, and imparts high quality education.
The Motto is “Samyak Darshana Jnana Charithrani" – a quotation in Sanskrit, which means- Right Perception, Right Knowledge And Right Conduct. Acquisition of knowledge is guided by perception; and knowledge guides our conduct.
SDM PU College, Ujire
UJIRE 574 240 ,
D.K., Karnataka, India
08256-236101, 236221